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Technology Grants & Resources


Many JDCs have tight restrictions on what kind of technology youth can access. If your JDC allows computer usage, some of the following technology grants and resources might be right for you...

LSTA grants-

The Federal Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) available through the Institute of Museum and Library Services, funds dozens of technology-based library programs in each state, each year. The LSTA Grants to States program is the largest program run by the IMLS. Contact your specific state library administrative agency for more information on eligibility and how to apply.

Microsoft Software Donation Program-
If you work with a non-profit organization, you may be eligible to apply for discounted and free software from Microsoft. This might be a good option if you work with a non-profit youth organization that develops programming for the JDC library.

​Open Source Initiative-

"The Open Source Initiative (OSI) is a non-profit corporation with global scope formed to educate about and advocate for the benefits of open source and to build bridges among different constituencies in the open source community." If you are in search of computer programs to use for your library programming, check out OSI's list of open source software licenses. Teaching youth about open source software is a great way to encourage tech literacy and allow youth to produce video, audio, and other creative projects for free.

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